Messy Beak

Messy Beak
Uploaded by Wayne Duke on 11 Dec 2015 in Parksville

Whatever this guy was eating, probably dead spawned out salmon was all over it's beak. He certainly wasn't bothered by it as he allowed me to take his photo for quite some time.

Tagged: qualicum hatchery


Wayne Duke posted 2015-12-11 12:01pm

Larry, thanks for the comment...this is the same guy "Mossy Branches" and he was to my surprise very cooperative allowing me to move about and take as many photos as I wanted.

Larry Erlendson posted 2015-12-11 11:23am

Wow, that is a phenomenal close up Wayne. Great pose and the details are fantastic! My boycott of photographers who specialize in photos of trained raptors with manipulated sets continues.... lol. I have way more respect for you wild eagle photographers.


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