Arctic hare (Lepus arcticus) getting ready to jump while sitting on snow and shedding its winter coat

Arctic hare (Lepus arcticus) getting ready to jump while sitting on snow and shedding its winter coat
Uploaded by Sophia Granchinho on 19 Jan 2018 in Arviat

Arctic hare (Lepus arcticus) getting ready to jump while sitting on snow and shedding its winter coat, Nunavut Canada

Tagged: mammal animal snow hare wildlife tundra winter outdoor cold frosty arctic outdoors freezing standing ecoregion small nature white frost frozen one daylight black landscape side view fauna lepus arcticus coat sitting shedding shed arviat camouflage canada close cute ears listening north northern nunavut outside pointy polar rabbit wild

1 Comment

Jeff posted 2018-01-19 5:55pm

That is one good looking hare


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