Frosty Moose

Frosty Moose
Uploaded by Gabriel Rivest on 07 Dec 2019 in Whitehorse

A friend and I decided to head for a quick last canoe trip for the season. It was Thanksgiving weekend, and things were starting to freeze up but we couldn't resist. On our last morning on the river, it was about -10C and everything was freezing up... pancake ice on the river, our paddles were getting heavy from ice while paddling. Suddenly we heard splashing in the water, we couldn't see anything at first as the sun was just coming up and was straight in our faces! Suddenly, we saw this huge bull moose come out of the mist. Moose are common in the Yukon, but to see such a large bull in such amazing setting is always special.

Tagged: deer elk animal wildlife mammal


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