Fall colours

Fall colours
Uploaded by Yves Langlois on 11 Oct 2021 in Sherbrooke

At the moment of shooting the group of ring-billed gulls took off, adding to the image a little action. Taken at the Drummond dam on the Magog river.

Tagged: fall colours gulls water nature outdoors tree plant


Clifford Dupuis posted 2021-10-17 3:26pm

very nice, the many elements of this image are all complimentary, well done

Jeff posted 2021-10-13 7:27pm

You have a lot going on all realy works to gather

Heather Mellon posted 2021-10-13 9:38am

A gorgeous view of autumn on the river, Yves. The range of tree colours is very striking and beautiful against the sky reflected in the foreground and falls in the background. And of course the seagulls too.. great shot.

Debra Plett posted 2021-10-11 9:19am

Very nice composition and colours Yves. The seagulls draw your eye to the centre nicely and then onto the falls. You have that gorgeous blue water colour again which compliments the fall colours nicely. Very nice fall landscape.


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