Fall fishing

Fall fishing
Uploaded by Yves Langlois on 13 Oct 2021 in Sherbrooke

backgrounded by the fall colours an osprey is high perched, fiching the river for the lunch. Taken at the Drummond dam on the Magog river.

Tagged: osprey fall colours tree plant maple bird animal leaf


Heather Mellon posted 2021-10-13 11:54pm

I love the composition and the gorgeous autumn colours give this image a semi-abstract look. The Osprey gave you the perfect focal point and you captured him very well sitting out on that limb. Great job on this one, Yves.

Debra Plett posted 2021-10-13 8:55pm

What a beautiful background for the Osprey Yves. Nice contrast between the dead foreground tree and the beautiful fall leaves in the background. When I zoom up on the image it looks to be a male juvenile Osprey, very striking image Yves.

Jeff posted 2021-10-13 7:27pm

Good one the colour and then the Osprey Good one Yves


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