Great Escape

Great Escape
Uploaded by Leah Scott Acker on 24 Aug 2014 in Vancouver

Beautiful mountains reflecting off tranquil pool of water, with lone log in forefront making an ideal spot to sit and escape the fast paced world

Tagged: mountains banff lakes


Nicolas Arnaud posted 2014-11-07 1:17am

Wow, absolutely gorgeous!! The reflection on the water, the intensity of the colours, everything is perfect. Great work Leah!

ALOK DADARYA posted 2014-09-29 8:59pm

This is a perfect picture with full of natural beauty. Excellent click!!

Sandeep Julian posted 2014-09-27 3:44am

Scott, it's really a marvelous photograph you have taken! Good luck!

Ashton Ariana posted 2014-09-27 12:50am

By far one of the most beautiful pictures I have seen. Well done. Leah keep up the good work.

Anita Handa posted 2014-09-26 7:47am

Wow!! A great place, a great click and a great title!


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